
About us 

Well With Waves co-creates its equipment with healthcare professionals. In the development process, we guarantee comfort and protection, from the start to the end.



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Your health, our priority!

We are developing innovative radioprotective equipment for optimum comfort of use.

Our priority is to design the best protection for you. We test and improve our product together until you are completely satisfied.


The musculoskeletal disorder

We work on weight and load distribution to offer you the lightest equipment possible.

The perspiration :

We work on the airflow of insulated equipment to guarantee thermal comfort adapted to your working environment.

The morphology

Man, Woman, tall or short, we take every possible parameter into account to provide you the most efficient protection.

Fields of application

We develop innovative equipment in these fields of application

domaines dapplications

Medical / Vet




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Join us

Want to join the adventure? 

Charline Dhersin




Chief Operational Officer

Collaborator - Lille - As soon as possible




Chief Technical Officer

Collaborator - Lille - As soon as possible






savoir faire


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